Procedure BG-RRP-3.005 has been launched – Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises


The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for the implementation of information and communication technologies and solutions that ensure an increase in the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Total amount of funds under the procedure: BGN 30,600,000.

Applicable regime: The aid under this procedure is granted under the terms of the “de minimis” regime.

Minimum amount of grant funding: BGN 3,000

Maximum amount of grant funding: BGN 20,000

Co-financing rate: 100%.

According to the current procedure, the maximum aid intensity can be up to 100%, and there is no requirement for co-financing of the costs of implementing the investments by the applicants
Eligible candidates:

To be traders within the meaning of the Trade Act or the Cooperatives Act.
Be registered no later than 31.12.2019.
To be micro, small and medium enterprises
Have an average number of staff for 2021 that is ≥ 1 employed person
Enterprise Category Net Sales Revenue[1]
Micro enterprise ≥ 41,000 BGN
Small enterprise ≥ BGN 82,000
Medium enterprise ≥ BGN 123,000
Ineligible candidates:

Applicants cannot participate in the procedure and receive free funding if they are an enterprise that received a voucher under procedure BG16RFOP002-2.083 “Voucher scheme for the provision of services for information and communication technologies” under the Operational Program “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 .
Microenterprises within the meaning of Art. 3-4 of the Law on small and medium-sized enterprises making investments related to processing and/or marketing of agricultural products in non-agricultural products outside Annex No. I
Small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3-4 of the Law on small and medium-sized enterprises making investments related to processing and/or marketing of agricultural products in non-agricultural products outside Annex No. I
Candidates in sectors and sections according to KID-2008 (Appendix 8):
sector A “Agriculture, forestry and fisheries”;
sector C “Mining Industry”;
sector F “Construction”;
sector P “Education”;
sector Q ‘Human health and social work’: section 87 ‘Medical and social care with accommodation’ and section 88 ‘Social work without accommodation’.
sections of sector J “Creation and distribution of information and creative products, telecommunications” according to KID-2008 (Appendix 8):
section 62 “Activities in the field of information technologies”;
section 63 “Information Services”.
Applicants who are micro-enterprises within the meaning of Art. 3-4 of the Law on small and medium-sized enterprises that have their headquarters or a branch with headquarters in the territory of a rural area.
enterprises whose main economic activity is in the field of processing and/or marketing of forest products
Candidates in a code under KID
16.29 “Manufacture of firewood, cork products, straw and knitting materials, as well as the manufacture of pellets”, with the EXCEPTION of the manufacture of pellets from wood waste obtained from the industrial processing of wood
16.10 “Cutting, planing and impregnation of timber”, with the EXCEPTION of the production of unassembled wooden parquet boards.
10.1 “Meat production and processing; production of meat products, excluding ready meals”;
10.2. “Processing and preservation of fish and other aquatic animals, excluding prepared meals”;
10.3 “Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, excluding ready meals”;
10.4. “Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats”;
10.5. “Production of milk and milk products”;
10.6. “Manufacturing of mill products, starch and starch products”;
10.81. “Manufacturing of sugar”;
10.83. “Processing of coffee and tea”;
10.84. “Production of food spices and flavorings”;
10.91. “Production of ready-made animal feed”;
11.02. “Production of wine from grapes”;
11.03. “Manufacture of other fermented beverages”;
11.06. “Malt production”.
Eligible Activities:

According to the procedure, services and solutions from the following three groups are admissible:

Group I. ICT services/solutions for digital marketing, platforms, websites and mobile applications;
Group II. ICT services/solutions for optimization of management, production and logistics processes;
Group III. ICT services/solutions to ensure cyber security in enterprises.
Eligible expenses:

Costs for services and solutions according to the “List of eligible ICT services and solutions”
At this link, you will find Appendix 13 with the maximum estimated price of ICT services, approved by the Managing Authority based on a market survey. All ICT service costs above the estimated price specified in Appendix 13 will be borne by the beneficiary.
Maximum term of execution: 12 months.
