In this section we present the social enterprises that are part of Meet Draw Me A Smile Social Enterprise, which employs people with cancer to produce great products and services. The social enterprise “Draw a smile for me” was created as part of the non-profit association “Oncology patients and friends” in the city of…
Procedure BG-RRP-3.005 has been launched – Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises Target The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for the implementation of information and communication technologies and solutions that…
The head of the Management Board of PRCHR Tsvetan Spasov presented the possibilities for European support of social entrepreneurship From 29/11/2022 The head of the Managing Authority of the “Human Resources Development” Program, Tsvetan Spasov, presented the possibilities for European support for existing or newly created social enterprises. In September 2023, the measure “Promoting the…
Blagichka e първото zero waste заведение в София и всъщност съвместява две каузи в едно: намирането на препитание на младежи в неравностойно положение и популяризиране на идеята за “нулев отпадък”. Зад проекта стои Блажка Димитрова, един от основателите на неправителствената организация “Нулев отпадък – България”. В стремежа си да промени обществото към по-добро тя е…
The teaching case ViaVia Yogyakarta addresses the strategic choices of social entrepreneurs, Mie Cornoedus and Ingvild Solvang, who founded the ViaVia café in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The case study was written by SEFORÏS team members Petra Andries and Alain Daou, from KULeuven, and was published in the journal Sustainability. In their daily management of ViaVia, Mie and Ingvild…
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Има една поговорка – ако искаш да направиш всички щастливи, стани продавач на сладолед. “Да, но и това не стига. Нито сладоледът, нито дори само шоколадът могат да направят чудо, ако не ги включиш в една по-голяма социална кауза. За мен шоколадът е средството за сближаване, средство, с което давам шанс на хората с неравностоен…
Social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility This article is intended for all employers and businesses who are actively implementing or intending to start implementing corporate social responsibility practices in the business they run. Social corporate responsibility is the responsibility of the organization for the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment…