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Via Via

Listed in the Register of Social Enterprises of MLSP or the Register of Specialized Enterprises and Cooperatives in the Agency for People with Disabilities

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Mission & vision

ViaVia Vision

The Vision of ViaVia is to be part of a worldwide network that
• Connects people, gets them in touch with the amazing diversity of our world, and due to this also with themselves.
• Concretises sustainable tourism and intercultural entrepreneurship as a motor for cultural and socio- economic empowerment and as source for inclusive society.
 Contributes to a more open-minded & enjoyable world where people, planet, prosperity, partnerships, peace and pleasure are in harmony.

The following underlying values that guide the Network remained unchanged over the years.
• ‘Encounter’: requires commitment and works interactive, each from one’s own identity. It is an exchange that necessitates curiosity, active listening and empathy.
• ‘Openness: is a willingness to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas. It is also accepting that people may think and act differently, and trying to see the difference as it is. This does not mean that one must accept the difference as it is.
• ‘Equality: putting one’s own culture in perspective is the basis for an encounter based on equality and respect. This may imply reframing one’s own values instead of holding them as universal.
• ‘Amazement: too much is taken for granted. Amazement remains the fundamental start for new encounters and discovery, deeper reflexion, philosophy. It touches heart and mind, and transforms knowledge into appreciation.

ViaVia Mission

To contribute in a sustainable way to the dreams, needs and expectations of travellers and local partners, by creating meaningful and memorable travel and intercultural experiences.

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