What is TheSocialMarket?
TheSocialMarket.eu is an innovative marketplace platform, representing a co-network of social enterprises with opportunities to share resources and exchange of information between different actors in the social economy, incl. disadvantaged people in the labor market, employed in social enterprises and in institutions and organizations related to social entrepreneurship.
The innovative element of the platform is marketplace, with the following highlights:
- Any social enterprise can set up an online store on the platform for free, with a few clicks, where all stores and products will be presented in one place. An entrepreneur can completely manage the online store and its products independently of other users. We plan to train social managers to work with the platform and provide operational support all the time.
- Through the tools created in the platform, all registered social enterprises from Bulgaria and different countries can effectively interact by sharing the resources they have for the purpose of better social interaction. Entrepreneurs will be able to create joint business projects and partnerships. For example, a social enterprise from Bulgaria or another country may publish on the platform a business initiative and seek a shared resource from another participant in the platform. This will improve social interaction between participants in the social economy.
- Every social entrepreneur has an account that shows all his “assets”, including some of the main ones:
* its online store (with all modern functionality) and products and services offered there, with the possibility of direct shopping;
* the interest groups he created, forums on various topics, with the possibility of exchanging messages and comments, “friendships” with other social entrepreneurs and all his activity on the platform;
* events planned and conducted by him for which potential participants will be able to register;
* jobs announced by the social enterprise, where those interested will be able to apply for a job directly; - A partner network will be developed on the basis of the Platform, and, in addition, a blog with useful materials and articles for social enterprises has been created for the needs of the “network”. This will allow the platform users (network members) to exchange commercial and production information, find partners for developing a solidarity economy. At the same time, all stakeholders will be able to establish contacts with similar organizations through the platform and the affiliate network to develop successful joint partnerships.
Who can create their own online store at TheSocialMarket.eu?
You need to be a social entrepreneur to open an online store on the platform. A social enterprise is an operator in the social economy whose main purpose is to achieve social impact, not to generate profits for the benefit of owners or shareholders. It operates in the market by providing goods and services to the market and uses profits mainly to achieve social goals. It is managed in a responsible and transparent manner, in particular through the involvement of employees, customers and stakeholders affected by its business activities.
If you are not a social entrepreneur, you can sign up and take advantage of all the other benefits of the platform – get to know our social entrepreneurs and interact with them directly here, shop socially, see our entrepreneurs’ events and more, because TheSocialMarket is not just an online store, but a social community – a place where social enterprises and social economy people get together, sell, buy, communicate and do so with a social cause!
How to create my own online store at TheSocialMarket.eu?
To open a store with us, you need:
1. Register for free as a user.
2. Once you have registered as a user, in order to create a free online store, you need to fill out the form with the store information that you will find in your account and send it to us with one click.
3. We will review the form and receive an email informing you that your shop has been approved. It is important that you complete the information on the social impact of your business in the form and how buyers will support the social cause of your store.
Apply Now!
If you need assistance in setting up an online store, please the send us an inquiry and we will get back to you!
3. Ние ще разгледаме формуляра и ще получите имейл с информация дали магазинът ви е одобрен. Важно е във формуляра да попълните информация за социалното въздействие на предприятието Ви и по какъв начин купувачите ще подкрепят социалната кауза на Вашият магазин.
В случай, че Ви е нужно съдействие за създаването на онлайн-магазина, изпратете ни следната информация (посочена на този линк) и ние ще го направим вместо Вас.
What can I sell at TheSocialMarket.eu?
In TheSocialMarket.eu you can sell any products and services you produce as a social entrepreneur. You can sell including paid events that you organize.
If you do not find a category in which your products or services fall, it is enough to send us an inquiry and we will create one specifically for your products.
How much does it cost to create an online store at TheSocialMarket.eu?
Creating a store at TheSocialMarket.eu is completely free of charge for social entrepreneurs. Our team will provide any help you need to help set up and maintain your store.
How can I take further advantage of TheSocialMarket.eu's capabilities?
TheSocialMarket.eu is not just a marketplace where social entrepreneurs can set up an online store for free and sell their products and services with other social entrepreneurs.
The platform contains social networking features that allow social entrepreneurs to communicate with each other, but also with people who want to shop socially.
Each of the participants in the platform has its own profile through which it can:
- create an online store
- buy social
- publish events and job postings
- create interest groups and forums to discuss various topics
- comment, share, participate in discussions